Comedian & Menopause Mom

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Mommy Dementia Moment #503

I received an Evite for a sleepover birthday party for one of my kids; I didn't recognize the email it was from, and the guest list (clues!) were hidden.  I wrongly assumed it was for my youngest.  I became outraged that a sleepover was planned for 5 year olds!  

I reply that my 5 year old kid can stay late, BUT NOT OVERNIGHT. 

I proceed to write it down on the wrong night on our family calendar.

On the wrong day of the party, I talk about it nonstop with my spouse, as I am still incredulous about a sleepover for 5 year olds!

By nightfall, husband and I completely forget about the party (our kid was unaware of the Outrageous 5 Year Old Slumber Party - we never tell them ahead of time (this prevents incessant "When's so-and-so's party?  How many days 'til so-and-so's party?  Is today the day of so-and-so's party?" - and also provides an element of surprise for my own child when party day arrives.  "Surprise!  You get to go to so-and-so's party!  Get your shoes on!") so there was no nagging coming from him, and we don't take him to the party.

I realize we forgot about it when I wake up the next morning, and instantly start feeling like a terrible Mother - what if no one else went and the poor birthday kid was scarred for life? Because, really, what parent in their right mind would drop their kid off at a 5 year old Birthday Sleepover Party?!

As the day goes on, I go from feeling guilty about forgetting, to joking all day about what an idiot I am for not remembering the party.

That night we go out for a nice dinner.  This is a real Occasion, because it's The Whole Family: the High School Senior is with us.

Before we are seated, I receive a call from a # I don't recognize.

A man identifies as said birthday kid's parent. I get nervous: here it comes.  My bad memory has really "ruined this 5 year old's entire life".

Dad: "Are you lost? We are looking forward to seeing (my 10 yr old child)"

First, I'm relieved - since I'm not getting "a new one" from a Dad with a broken hearted kid - but now I'm confused - my 10 year old is invited to a sleepover party that night???  I had no idea.   I tell the Dad "I  never got the Evite" - I am still not registering that I have just had the most Monumental Mommy Dementia Moment of my life.

I hang up and repeat the funny story TWICE: to friends we ran into at the restaurant, and then to my husband: two different parties; one I forgot and one I didn't even know about... before my brain registers that not only did I have the wrong kid, and wrong day... but there never was a 5 Year Old Sleepover Birthday Party!

My 10 year old made it to right party with a gift, for those wondering. 

I made it home, took an overdose of Ginkgo, and went to bed.